Koronavirus pisti säppiin koko jalkapalloilevan maailman – kannattajien huumorintaju toimii silti piristysruiskeena vaikeiden aikojen keskellä
- 17.03.2020Viime viikonlopun kynnyksellä myös Englannin Valioliiga laittoi muiden maiden liigojen tapaan toistaiseksi sarjapelit tauolle maailmanlaajuisen koronapandemian vuoksi. Erinomaisesta ja oivaltavasta huumorintajustaan tunnetut britit eivät kuitenkaan ole suostuneet antamaan depressiolle ja alakulolle yliotetta, vaan sosiaalinen media onkin viime päivinä kukkinut toinen toistaan hauskemmista ja ironisimmista julkaisuista. (Kuva: TT)
Virusepidemia on vakava asia ja sen aiheuttamalle terveysuhalle ei sovi ilkkua, mutta valloillaan olevassa, poikkeuksellisessa tilanteessa pieni viaton annos huumoria ei kuitenkaan liene pahitteeksi kenellekään.
Liverpool on toiminut inspiraationa muun muassa Manchester Unitedin kannattajille:
This the funniest thing ever. They’ll win it eventually and deservedly so in a few months. But I have never seen something so funny. pic.twitter.com/nO5aqIltSa
— Selectively Blind to Faults KD (@ManCityKD) March 13, 2020
Message just received (and I’m still laughing) – If the league is cancelled we could have the best banner ever…. COVID19 – SCOUSERS 18
— Oli Winton (@OliWinton) March 11, 2020
I just text Adrián to borrow his goalkeeper gloves. He said why? I said because I don't want to catch the coronavirus and you can't catch anything with those on. I'll let you know when he replies.
— Boring James Milner (@BoringMilner) March 13, 2020
Myös Juventus-tähti Cristiano Ronaldoa keksittiin sivaltaa hulvattomasti:
Give juve penalty and he will book the first flight. https://t.co/JqrmriGYdU
— Uchiha (@ItzOlah) March 12, 2020
We’re really announcing footballers contracting the Coronavirus like it’s Deadline Day ffs
— Jack (@pnetucker) March 12, 2020
“yes thanks Jim I’m here outside the Leicester ground where 3 players have shown symptoms of coronavirus” https://t.co/JL4PWWfSga pic.twitter.com/SGgdyO25rb
— Jon Green (new account) (@Jonny_1874) March 12, 2020
Soon we’ll be debating the best Corona-XIs. Already got some decent profiles with Rugani, Gabbiadini, and Hudson-Odoi. Arteta as manager.
— RG (@registability) March 13, 2020
Sitten on heitä, joiden EI pitäisi nuolaista ennen kuin tipahtaa..
If the league gets cancelled and Liverpool doesn’t get the league title, then I’m blaming theses kids #LFC #PremierLeague ⚽️⚽️ pic.twitter.com/yFUkob6fTH
— Cian Siôn 🏴 (@CianEvans15) March 13, 2020
— football images that precede unfortunate events (@CursedFootball) March 13, 2020
Confirmed. We don’t have to watch Tottenham lose until at least the 4th April.
HALLELUJAH.Think of the positives guys 👌🏼
— SoapboxSPURS (@SoapboxSpurs) March 13, 2020
Arsenal will now remain unbeaten in the Premier League until April. Gargantuan institution. #AFC pic.twitter.com/tTAQZOyXNJ
— Gunners.com (@Gunnersc0m) March 13, 2020
Liverpool fans looking for the guy who ate that bat pic.twitter.com/4NYyPgnB3j
— SJ (@CosmoKramerr_) March 13, 2020
Onni onnettomuudessa Aston Villan kannalta..?
Who would have thought some bloke eating a bat in China could have potentially kept Villa in the Premier League #avfc
— Villa Culture (@VillaCulture) March 12, 2020
You know you’re in the shit when Wuhan FC thinks it’s better to be back home than be in Europe https://t.co/QdG4DxVT2Z
— Mohammed Ali (@mohammedali_93) March 12, 2020